Instruction:Place fingers on ( home row ) ASDF ;LKJ keys. Type them on by one with their respective fingers until practice.
Hit the keys Q W E R T with little finger, ring finger, middle finger, index finger of left hand and Y U I O P with index finger, middle finger, ring finger and little finger of right hand, by remaining on the home-row., until practice.
Give space between A S D F and ; L K J and space between Q W E R T and Y U I O P, by using left and right thumbs.
Hit Z X C V with little finger, ring finger, middle finger of left hand, remaining on home row, until practice.
Hit B N M with left index finger, right index finger, right index finger respectively, by remaining on home row, until practice.
Description:The letters and words will appear randomly on the top.
Be alert to type the letters and words, to prevent the enemy attack.
In practice mode, you'll have to type single alphabets.
In professional mode you'll have to type the words.
Tags:Albarns Attack, typing game, typing tutor, education