This manual describes the basic information and use of the RapidTyping 5.
Command: -ImportGroup
Syntax: -ImportGroup <list of file paths>... [ -XML ] [ -ShowResult ]
- <file path | ...> - list of file paths to the student accounts
- -XML - format of the source files
- -ShowResult - show the Result window
RapidTyping.exe -ImportGroup ..\Resources\Template\Import\XML\Example_1.xml -XML -ShowResult
RapidTyping.exe -ImportGroup ..\Resources\Template\Import\XML\Example_1.xml ..\Resources\Template\Import\XML\Example_2.xml -XML -ShowResult
XML file syntax
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16">
<Group [ID] [Name] [CourseKLID] [InterfaceLang]>
<Student [ID] [Name] [Password]/>
- Group [ID] - group ID, [GUID]
- Group [Name] - group name, [string] (requared)
- Group [CourseKLID] - assigns the courses with a given keyboard language, [KLID]
- Group [InterfaceLang] - sets the interface language to all students in the group, (see enabled languages), [hex]
- Student [ID] - student ID, [GUID]
- Student [Name] - student name, [string] requared
- Student [Password] - student password, [string]
- Student [InterfaceLang] - interface language ID, (see enabled languages), [hex]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16">
<Group Name="Group 1"> <Student Name="Teacher" Administrator="1"/>
<Student Name="Student"/>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16">
<Group ID="1" Name="Group 2" CourseKLID="0x0000409" InterfaceLang="0x0409">
<Student ID="1" Name="Student 1" Password="123"/>
<Student ID="2" Name="Student 2" Password="123"/>
<Group ID="55B74D8C-E65E-42AE-9F2C-E55EA0DCA924" Name="Group 3" CourseKLID="0x0000419">
<Student ID="356C8ADA-1E5D-448B-ADB9-C4C60059F7AB" Name="Student A" Password="123" InterfaceLang="0x0419"/>
<Student ID="6CEB60D2-4D9A-4E82-862A-687609447D0A" Name="Student B" Password="123" InterfaceLang="0x0419"/>
Command: -ExportReport
Syntax: -ExportReport <destination folder> <template file> [ <template sub-folder> ]
[ -FilterByGroup <group list> ]
[ -FilterByStudent <student list> ]
[ -SplitFileByGroup | -SplitFileByStudent ]
[-Language <language ID>]
[-Aggregate <aggregation type>]
[ [-WPM | [-CPM] | [-KPM] | [-NWPM] | [-NCPM] | [-NKPM] | [-WPS] | [-CPS] | [-KPS] | [-NWPS] | [-NCPS] | [-NKPS] ]
[ [-WordAccuracy] | [-WordError] | [-CharAccuracy] | [-CharError] | [-KeyAccuracy] | [-KeyError] ] [ [-WordDelay] | [-CharDelay] | [-KeyDelay] ]
- <destination folder> - destination folder path
- <template file> - template file path
- <template folder> - template sub-folder name
- -FilterByGroup <group | ...> - group export only from the list (group = group ID or group name)
- -FilterByStudent <student | ...> - student export only from the list (student = student ID or student name)
- -SplitFileByGroup | -SplitFileByStudent - save the file for each group | student
the following switches are used in the template body:
- -Language <language ID> - document language
- -Aggregate <Session | Lesson | Day | Section | Course> - aggregation by type
- -WPM | -CPM | -KPM | -NWPM | -NCPM | -NKPM | -WPS | -CPS | -KPS | -NWPS | -NCPS | -NKPS - typing speed (see How to calculate the typing speed)
- -WordAccuracy | -WordError | -CharAccuracy | -CharError | -KeyAccuracy | -KeyError - typing accuracy (see How to calculate the typing accuracy)
- -WordDelay | -CharDelay | -KeyDelay - typing delay, (see Typing rhythm)
- -ShowResult - show the Result window
RapidTyping.exe -ExportReport C:\Output ..\CSV\Template_1.csv -CSV -WPM -WordAccuracy -SplitFileByStudent -ShowResult
RapidTyping.exe -ExportReport C:\Output ..\XML\Template_1.xml -XML -WPM -WordAccuracy -SplitFileByGroup -ShowResult
RapidTyping.exe -ExportReport C:\Output ..\HTML\LTR\Template_1.html ..\HTML\LTR\res -HTML -WPM -WordAccuracy -ShowResult
RapidTyping.exe -ExportReport C:\Output ..\HTML\LTR\Template_1.html ..\HTML\LTR\res -PDF -WPM -WordAccuracy -Aggregate Day -Language 0x0409 -ShowResult
Template file syntax guide
The following syntax shows the overall template structure. The template has three nested loops:
Overall template structure
[[GroupLoop]] - Group loop start
[[StudentLoop]] - Student loop start
[[LessonLoop]] - Lesson loop start
[[LessonLoop]] - Lesson loop end
[[StudentLoop]] - Student loop end
[[GroupLoop]] - Group loop end
Within each loop, a different set of parameters is enabled. The parameters are marked by the double square brackets [[...]]
The parameters available in the loop for groups
- [[GroupID]] - group ID, [GUID]
- [[GroupName]] - group title, [string]
The parameters available in the loop for students
- [[GroupID]] - group ID, [GUID]
- [[GroupName]] - group title, [string]
- [[StudentID]] - student ID, [GUID]
- [[StudentName]] - student name, [string]
The parameters available in the loop for lessons
- [[Version]] - version number for the lesson section, [1-4294967295]
- [[LineID]] - ID for the lesson section, [1-4294967295]
Information about group
- [[GroupID]] - group ID, [GUID]
- [[GroupName]] - group title, [string]
Information about student
- [[StudentID]] - student ID, [GUID]
- [[StudentName]] - student name, [string]
Information about lesson
- [[CourseID]] - course ID, [GUID]
- [[LessonID]] - lesson ID, [1-65535]
- [[CourseName]] - course title, [string]
- [[SectionName]] - section title, [string]
- [[LessonName]] - lesson title, [string]
Information about the lesson keyboard
- [[KLID]] - keyboard layout identifier, [KLID]
- [[KeyboardDesign]] - internal RapidTyping keyboard form designation, [string]
Lesson data
- [[Date]] - date in the current system format, e.g. "1 January 2015, 8:11:16 PM", [string]
- [[DateFormat:YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssTZD]] - compatible with ISO 8601, TZD - gives local time plus bias; Z(or nothing) - gives the UTC time
Aggregation period name
- [[AGGREGATION]] - depending on the command line switch -Aggregate, can have the following values: lesson title, date, section title or course title, [string]
Period duration
- [[Duration]] - time in the current system format, e.g. "4 min 12 sec", [string]
- [[DurationSec]] - time in seconds, [1-4294967295]
- [[DurationMS]] - time in milliseconds, [1-4294967295]
Overall rating
- [[ExamMark]] - numerical designation in percent (see How is the overall rating calculated?), [1-100]
- [[ExamMarkNotation]] - symbolic notation [Could be better | Ok | Good | Excellent], [string]
Lesson rates
- [[SPEED]] - typing speed, the value depending on the command line -WPM, -CPM, ... switch, can have the following values: WPM, CPM, KPM, Net WPM, Net CPM, Net KPM, WPS, CPS, KPS, Net WPS, Net CPS, Net KPS, [1-65535]
- [[ACCURACY]] - typing accuracy, the value depending on the command line -WordAccuracy, -WordError ... switch, can have the following values: word accuracy, word errors, character accuracy, character errors, keystroke accuracy or keystroke errors, [1-65535]
- [[TIMEOUT]] - slowdown, the value depending on the command line -WordDelay, -CharDelay, ... switch, can have the following values: delay in words, delay in characters or keystroke delay, [1-65535]
Additional information about lesson
- [[Done]] - what percents of the lesson is done, [1-100]
- [[FIXED]] - how many items are fixed, the value depending on the command line -WordAccuracy, -WordError ... switch, can have the following values: words, characters, keystrokes, [1-4294967295]
- [[TOTAL]] - how many items are typed, the value depending on the command line -WordAccuracy, -WordError ... switch, can have the following values: words, characters, keystrokes, [1-4294967295]
Colour indexing
- [[ExamMarkColor]] - Overall rating colour index [ "1", "2", "3" ], where: ( "1" > 70% ), ( 70% >= "2" >= 30% ), ( "3" < 30% ), [1-3]
- [[SPEED_COLOR]] - Speed colour index [ "1", "2" ], where: ( "1", if lesson speed >= speed given in the course goals ), ( "2", if lesson speed < speed given in the course goals ), [1-2]
- [[ACCURACY_COLOR]] - Accuracy colour index [ "1", "2" ], where: ( "1", if lesson accuracy >= accuracy given in the course goals ), ( "2", if lesson accuracy < accuracy given in the course goals ), [1-2]
- [[TIMEOUT_COLOR]] - Slowdown colour index [ "1", "2" ], where: ( "1", if slowdowns in lesson >= slowdowns given in the course goals ), ( "2", if slowdowns in lesson < slowdowns given in the course goals ), [1-2]
- [[DoneColor]] - Lesson completion colour index [ "1", "2", "3" ], where: ( "1" = 100% ), ( 100% > "2" <= 50% ), ( "3" < 50% ), [1-3]
Also in a template the following localised strings available. These parameters are marked by the double braces {{...}}.
These items are translated depending on the command line -Language switch.
For example, with -Language 0x409 (English) these parameters will give the following values:
Localised strings
- {{Title}} - "Title"
- {{Group}} - "Group"
- {{Student}} - "Student"
- {{Course}} - "Course"
- {{Section}} - "Section"
- {{Day}} - "Day"
- {{Lesson}} - "Lesson"
- {{CourseGoals}} - "Course goals"
- {{Overall}} - "Overall rating"
- {{Done}} - "Done"
- {{TimeSpent}} - "Time spent"
- {{LastChange}} - "Last change"
- {{GeneratedBy}} - "Generated by"
And parameters the values which, depending on the command line switches:
- {{PERIOD}} - depending on the switch -Aggregate gives: "Lesson", "Date", "Section" or "Course"
- {{SPEED}} - depending on the switch -WPM.. gives: "Speed, WPM", "Speed, CPM" etc.
- {{ACCURACY}} - depending on the switch -WordAccuracy.. gives: "Acuracy, words", "Acuracy, characters" etc.
- {{TIMEOUT}} - depending on the switch -WordAccuracy.. gives: "Slowdown, words", "Slowdown, characters" etc.
- {{FIXED}} - depending on the switch -WordAccuracy.. gives: "Words fixed", "Characters fixed" etc.
- {{TYPED}} - depending on the switch -WordAccuracy.. gives: "Words typed", "Characters typed" etc.